Gujarat TET-I 2014 Notification, Online Application form for Gujarat TET 2014, GTET Exam Details, Primary Teacher of Class I to V Gujarat State Examination Board (GSEB) is conducting Gujarat Teachers Eligibility Test (Gujarat TET-I 2014)on 03rd August, 2014. Since Gujarat TET-I 2014 Notification is out. So, candidates who want to become Primary Teacher in schools run by govt & private management have to fill Gujarat TET-I 2014 Online Application form through the website . The Online Application form will be filled from 27th June, 2014 to 08th July, 2014. Further details are mentioned below.
Gujarat TET 2014 Notification, Exam details are stated below :
Name of Exam : Gujarat Teacher Eligibility Test (Gujarat TET-I 2014)
Name of Posts : Primary Teacher of class I to V
Eligibility Criteria for Gujarat TET-I 2014 :
Educational Qualification : Candidates should have passed senior secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45 percent marks. those appearing in final year Diploma in Elementary Education/4 year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed)/2 year Diploma in Education in Special Education.
NOTE : Candidates who have done B.A/B.Sc with at least 50% marks and B.Ed Qualification can also apply.
Selection Methodology : Selection will be made through the performance in written test.
Gujarat TET-I Syllabus 2014 : TET Exam will cover the following sections :
1. Child Development and pedagogy
2. language I
3. language II
4. Mathematics
5. Environmental Studies
There are 150 multiple choice questions, 30 questions from each section and each one will be of one marks. There is no -ve marking.
Application Fee :
1. General/OBC Candidates need to pay Rs. 350/-.
2. SC/ST Candidates need to pay Rs. 250/-.
How to Apply : Candidates need to register their Online Application form through TET website On submission ofonline application , kindly take print out of filled online application for downloading admit card or checking the result.
Gujarat TET-I 2014 Important dates :
Opening date for submission of online application : 27th June, 2014
Closing date for submission of online application : 08th July, 2014
Gujarat TET-I Examination Date : 03rd August, 2014 (11:00 AM to 12.30 PM)
Click here to get Gujarat TET-I 2014 Notification.
Click here to Fill Online Application form for Gujarat TET 2014.
Gujarat Teachers Eligibility Test (Gujarat TET-I 2014)
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