JCECE -Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board is going to conduct a CET (JCE CET 2014) for the PCM, 10+2, PCB candidates interested to get admission in to numerous Engineering Medical, Agricultural courses within the colleges approved by Government of Jharkhand. The candidates who are going to take part in JCE CET 2014 needs to download and verify the Jharkhand CET Admit Card 2014 from the official web site of JCECEB Jharkhand. Jharkhand CET Admit Card 2014 is an important thing to be carried by the candidates take part in Jharkhand CET examination 2014, without Admit Card no candidate will be allowed to take part in Jharkhand CET 2014.
Complete info on Jharkhand CET hall ticket has been provided below. All the Jharkhand CET 2014 candidates will get latest updates on Jharkhand CET Answer Key and Result 2014 in this website after the completion of Jharkhand CET 2014. To participate in this Jharkhand CET Examination candidates have to complete their 10 + 2 class with Chemistry, Physics and Maths from any recognize board.
Entrance exam can includes total four parts Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Biology. This Jharkhand CET 2014 examination is objective type exam. Candidates have to get forty five percentages for general cast and other backward category class and minimum forty percentages for schedule cast.
Now the candidates are very excited to get their entrance exam admit card, therefore JCECEB will be shortly declare the Jharkhand Combined Entrance exam Admit Card 2014. ithout your admit card you’ll not be allowed into appear within the examination therefore don’t forget Jharkhand CET Admit card 2014 when you go to appear within the examination. Here we offer some useful detail to download your hall ticket just follow the instruction given below.
Jharkhand CET Admit card 2014 Downloading Procedure:-
First visit to official web site at – www.jceceboard.org
Then search for admit card download link.
Click on the Jharkhand CET Admit card 2014 download link
Provide your application num.
Admit Card will be display on screen.
Then search for admit card download link.
Click on the Jharkhand CET Admit card 2014 download link
Provide your application num.
Admit Card will be display on screen.
Now Download Jharkhand CET hall ticket and take print out.
Download Jharkhand CET Admit Card 2014 : JCE CET Result
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