The TN Higher Secondary examination held in March/April 2016 Time Table in the order of date, day and subject wise mentioned below.
In the event of any holiday being declared after the publication of the Time-Table, the Higher Secondary Examination will be conducted as scheduled unless and otherwise notified and intimated by the Director of Government Examinations, Chennai.
- Question papers will be issued to candidates at 10.00 a.m. Ten minutes is provided for reading the question paper.
- Answer sheets will be issued at 10.10 a.m. Five minutes is provided to verify the printed particulars of candidate concerned in the top sheet attached with the main answer book.
- Duration of the examination is three hours i.e., from 10.15 a.m. to 1.15 p.m.
Candidates arriving after the expiration of the first fifteen minutes will not be admitted
About Practical Examinations :: As per the present system, candidates should necessarily secure 030 Marks out of 150 in Theory Examination and 040 Marks out of 050 in Practical Examination in the subjects involving practical, in order to pass the same. Otherwise they will be treated as having failed in that subject.
It is informed that all private candidates who have not secured the minimum pass marks i.e., 40/50 in the practical examination in their previous appearance(s) should necessarily redo the practical examination now. Others need not redo the practical examination.
Candidates who are not willing to redo the Practical Examination should produce the evidence for the practical marks and handover the same to the Chief Superintendent of the Theory examination centre concerned. However, candidates who are willing to redo the practical examination will be allowed to do so. Candidates who have failed in Practical Examination should necessarily appear both for theory and practical examination
About Distribution of Mark Certificates : Private candidates should collect their mark certificates from the examination centre when the Department of Government Examinations announces in the dailies regarding the distribution of Mark Certificates.
The unclaimed/undelivered mark certificates will be destroyed after two years from the date of distribution of certificates. Immediately on receipt of Admission Certificate, the Candidates appearing for Aural/Oral skill test or/and Practical Examination should contact the Chief Superintendent of the theory examination centre to obtain information such as date and time of the above said test / examination.
Tamilnadu HSC Examination, March 2016 - Time Table
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