The JEE advanced results 2014, JEE(Advanced)-2014 Answer Key, IIT JEE Advance Result 2014, JEE JEE Main 2014 cut-off, Advanced Result 2014, JEE advanced results-2014, jee advanced results name wise, jee advanced results date, jee advanced results fiitjee, jee advanced results 2014 topper, jee advanced results out, jee advanced results declared, jee advanced results cut off, jee advanced results 2014, Marks Important JEE Advanced Dates, JEE-advanced exam Result, JEE online filling, IITs and ISM, Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT).
- Opening of web site for Registration for JEE (Advanced) – 2014 May 04, 2014
- Closing of web site for Registration for JEE (Advanced) – 2014 May 09, 2014 - 5:00 PM
- Last Date of receipt of Registration Fee through e-Challan mode only for JEE (Advanced) – 2014May 12, 2014
- JEE (Advanced) – 2014 May 25, 2014
- Declaration of Result of JEE (Advanced) – 2014 June 19, 2014
- Opening of web site for online filling of choice for various courses in IITs and ISM - June 20, 2014
- Closing of web site for online filling of choice for various courses in IITs and ISM - June 24, 2014
- Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) - June 26, 2014
- Declaration of Result of AAT - June 29, 2014
- Web release of 1st round of seat allocation - July 01, 2014
Last Date of Acceptance and Online Payment of Provisional Admission Fee for candidates allocated seats in 1st Round - July 04, 2014
Web release of 2nd round of seat allocation - July 07, 2014
Last Date of Acceptance and Online Payment of Provisional Admission Fee for candidates allocated seats in 2nd Round - July 10, 2014
Withdrawal of seat and refund of provisional admission fee - July 09 to 11, 2014
Web release of 3rd round of seat allocation - July 12, 2014
Last Date of Acceptance and Online Payment of Provisional Admission Fee for candidates allocated seats in 3rd Round - July 14, 2014
JEE is known as Joint entrance examination is an all India common entrance examination which is conducted for admission in various engineering courses such as B. tech, B.E, B. Arch and B. planning under the direction of Ministry of Human resource development. JEE- main exams consist of two papers i.e. paper 1 and paper 2. These two examinations are either conducted online or offline. Paper 1 is for admission in B. tech (online and offline) and paper -2 is for admission in B. Arch and B. planning. Paper 2 is conducted in offline mode only. Both these papers contain objective type of questions and approximately 1,50,000 students appear for these examinations. The eligibility to write the JEE-advanced exam is essentially based on the performance in the JEE-main examination.
There are certain guidelines that are being prescribed by the experts which the students need to follow to score maximum marks. For the students who are preparing for IIT-JEE along with the class 12th exams, once the board exams are over focus should be on the revision of both the class 11th and class 12th syllabus. For the students taking this examination for the first time should keep in mind that they should study from one source. Study material is one of the most important aspects that are considered valid for any entrance examination. Students need to work extremely hard and stay focused. This is not an overnight process, students need to work for many years and then only the results are out.
Students need to focus on physics, chemistry and Math’s, and all the topics should be covered and selective study should be avoided since the examination questions are objective type. The JEE syllabus comprises of 45 % of 11th standard syllabus and 55 % of 12th standard syllabus. The topics included in physics are fluids, waves and sounds, electromagnetic induction, capacitors and electrostatics, mechanics and optics. All such topics need to be studied efficiently and with the entire dedication. During these examinations students need to be extremely confident and also here the preparation of the candidate plays an important role. Each subject must be given proper and regular time. Instead of preparing for one subject and focusing on single topic, students should concentrate on all three subjects. This move helps to break monotony. Thus it goes without saying that proper guidance is needed for the success. The JEE advanced results 2014 are announced after the examination and results of JEE mains.
JEE Advanced Result 2014 | IIT JEE Advance Result
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