VYAPAM (MPPET) Counselling 2014 dates, MP PET Rank list 2014, MP PET Counselling 2014 Date Registration Procedure www.vyapam.nic.in, MPPET 2014 Admissions in to B.Tech, B.E, B. Pharmacy, D-Pharmacy, B.Sc. (Agriculture.), B.Sc (Horticulture), B.Sc. (Forestry), B.Sc. (Agr. Engineer), B.Sc. (Agr. & Entrepreneurship) programs.
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (VYAPAM) has released Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Test (MPPET) Counselling 2014 dates on its official website - www.vyapam.nic.in/ This MP PET 2014 written exam was held as per Schedule and other information like Dates, Schedule, Procedure, Certification Verification, Document Verification, Online Registration details as given below.
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board has conducting a MPPET 2014 written exam, this exam main is provides admissions into B.Tech, B.E, B. Pharmacy, D-Pharmacy, B.Sc. (Agriculture.), B.Sc (Horticulture), B.Sc. (Forestry), B.Sc. (Agr. Engineer), B.Sc. (Agr. & Entrepreneurship) programs in Madhya Pradesh State Colleges, many of candidates are qualified this exam, those are waiting for the Rank list and Allotment Order according to the updates MP PET 2014 Rank list was already Published and Counseling will be starts from first week of July 2013, The verification process will be completed through verification officer, Students are necessary to check out the counselling dates based on your rankings and also present document verification, Rank list, Caste & Study Certificate, Marks Memo, after verification all documents you will going to the web options method and other details Keep visiting for MP PET Counselling Schedule 2014.
For more information about MP PET Counselling 2014 Procedure you can visit given below links.
MP PET Counselling 2014 dates - CLICK HERE
MPPET Counselling 2014 Procedure - CLICK HERE
VYAPAM official website - CLICK HERE
MP PET Counselling Schedule 2014 Dates Admissions
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