APRJC Counselling 2014 1st 2nd Phase Dates, APRJC CET Counselling Dates 2014, APRJC CET 2014 Counselling Dates, AP Residential, Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institution Society (APREIS), Hyderabad has released AP Residential Junior Colleges Common Entrance Test (APRJC CET) Counselling Dates 2014 on its official website - www.apresidential.gov.in/ This APRJC CET written exam was held as per Schedule and other details as given below.
APREIS has conducting a APRJC CET this exam main is provides admissions into AP Residential Junior Colleges many of candidates are applied for this test, those are waiting for the merit list and counselling dates according to the updates APRJC 1st Phase will be going on 13th June to 19th June 2014, The verification procedure will be completed through verification officer, Students are necessary to check out the counselling schedules based on your rankings and also present document verification, Rank card, Caste & Study Certificate, Marks Memo, after verification all documents you will going to the web Counselling options method and other details Keep visiting for APRJC Counselling Schedule 2014.
For more information about APRJC Counselling Schedule 2014 you can visit given below links.
APRJC 1st 2nd Phase Counselling 2014 Dates - CLICK HERE
APREIS official website - CLICK HERE
APRJC 1st 2nd Phase Counselling 2014 Dates
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