JIPMER Recruitment 2014, JIPMER has unfolded a career opportunity through the notification as JIPMER Recruitment 2014 to invite enthusiastic and self motivated entrants for 111 vacancies of Senior Resident in various departments.
Candidates who found themselves eligible as per the institute’s terms and conditions they can attend the Walk-in interview on the prescribed date from 09.04.2014 to 11.04.2014. No need to send JIPMER Application Form 2014.
We has also stated below other remaining information like Eligibility, Way of selection, important dates, pay scale etc in a correct manner.
Organization Name : Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry
Name of the Posts : Senior Resident
No. of vacancies : 111
Department Name and No. of vacancies for JIPMER jobs 2014:
Department Name | No. of vacancies |
Anesthesiology | 24 |
Anatomy | 07 |
Biochemistry | 03 |
Forensic Medicine | 02 |
Medicine | 09 |
Microbiology | 01 |
Obst & Gynaec | 11 |
Ophthalmology | 01 |
Orthopedics | 04 |
Pediatrics | 06 |
Pathology | 03 |
Pharmacology | 01 |
Pharmacology | 04 |
Psychiatry | 01 |
Radio-Diagnosis | 08 |
Radiotherapy | 03 |
Dermatology | 03 |
Surgery | 16 |
Pulmonary Medicine | 04 |
Eligibility Criteria: Eligibility for JIPMER Advertisement 2014 has provided below.
Education Qualification: Candidates must have a Postgraduate Medical Degree/Diploma in respective discipline from recognized university / institute / college.
Age Limit:
Age Limit is 33 years for unreserved candidates and reserved category has usual relaxation.
Mode of Selection:
Applicants will have to appear firstly in Written Test/ Interview.
Pay Scale: Candidates after selection will get pay band of Rs.18750/-Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-.
Application Fee:
Application fee of Rs. 500/- for unreserved category & OBC candidates (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST category) can be remitted in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Accounts Officer, JIPMER, Puducherry-06”.
How to Apply?
Interested applicants must have to attend the walk in interview at 08.30.A.M from 09.04.2014 to 11.04.2014 with the following documents as stated below:
What to Bring?
Age proof certificate
MBBS Degree with no. of attempts testimonial
MD/MS /DNB Degree/Provisional document
Medical Council Registration Certificate
Internship Completion Certificate
Latest SC/ST/OBC (Creamy Layer) Certificate
Walk-in Venue:
“Bernard Theatre, IST Floor,
Institute Block, JIPMER, Puducherry-06”
Walk-in Date: 09.04.2014 to 11.04.2014
Apply online : CLICK HERE
JIPMER Senior Resident jobs 2014 apply online
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