Deccan Grameena Bank 2014 Results | Interview | Office Assistant posts

Deccan Grameena Bank Results 2014 – Deccan Grameena Bank has announced the Interview Schedule for the Recruitment of Office Assistant (Multi Purpose) cadre. Candidates who have been declared qualified at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 are eligible for interview.

Deccan Grameena Bank had initiated the Recruitment of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) for filling up of 188 vacancies and online applications were accepted by the Bank upto 22.01.2014 in the Pay Scale of Rs.7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4­12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500­800/1-19300/-. The candidates those who have declared qualified in the CWE RRB-II, held in September/ October 2013 are called for the Interview as per the schedule given below.

Interview Schedule :

The Bank have declared the results for written exam and eligible for Interview which is scheduled to be held from 21.04.2014 to 23.04.2014 at the following address :

Head Office, #2-1-520, 2nd floor, Vijayasri sai celestia,
St.No.9, Shankermuth Road, Nallakunta, Hyderabad
A.P-500 044

Instructions to the Candidates :
Candidates are advised to appear for the interview before the interview Committee for considering their suitability for the appointment in the cadre of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) in the Bank, at the Address mentioned above and Date & time mentioned above along with the following ORIGINAL Certificates for verification with one set of attested xerox copies:
Fee payment challan and Printout of the online application submitted for CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September/October, 2013.

Printout copy of online registration submitted during period from 07.01.2014 to 22.01.2014.
Printout of IBPS Score Card for the stipulated examination.
Matriculation /10th standard examination memorandum of marks in support of “Local
Language” proficiency and in proof of age.
Marks sheet/Certificate in support of Education qualification mentioned in the application.
Certificate of proficiency in computer knowledge, if any.
Nativity Certificate issued by Competent Authority concerned and Photo identity proof.
SC/ST/OBC: Latest caste certificate issued by the Competent Authority in prescribed format in support of candidates category where the candidate and /or , his/her family normally resides (In case of OBC- certificate should be issued on or after 01.04.2013 only).
Ex-Servicemen: The discharge certificate /pension payment order /full service particulars. In case of working defence personnel, Service Certificate and No Objection Certificate from competent Authority.
Person with Disability Category(PWD):Medical Certificate issued by the Authorized certifying Authority i.e. Medical Board appointed by Govt. at the District level.
No – Objection Certificate from the present employer ( in case of candidate presently employed)
Two Photocopies of passport size.
The candidates will have to appear for interview at their own expenses.
Unemployed eligible SC/ST & PWD outstation candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed to and
fro second class ordinary train/bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of travel.
The Bank will not be responsible for any injury/losses, etc of any nature during their travel time.

After verification of the above Certificates /Documents only, the candidates will be considered to attend the interview.

If the candidates fail to bring or produce the above certificates/ Documents in original for verification at the time of interview, their candidature will not be considered for the interview and selection.
“All the Best for the Interview“

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