NCFE NFLAT 2014 Exam Result of NCFE NFLAT-2014, Download NCFE-NFLAT Hall Tickets, Download NCFE-NFLAT Brochure, Download NCFE-NFLAT Poster, Download CBSE Circular To Schools The National Centre for Financial Education(NCFE), National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NFLAT) Results announced on January 23rd, 2014. NCFE NFLAT 2013 Exam Conducted on January 11th and 12th, 2014. NFLAT Results available at School students appearing for the This test is the first step in that direction to build a nation which not only understands the value of money but also has the right knowledge and skills required for taking responsible financial decisions. National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NCFE-NFLAT) can check their Financial Literacy score and also get an opportunity to win lots of prizes like laptops, tablets and cash rewards.
It is India’s first of it’s kind national-level test to measure the level of financial literacy among school students. The Assessment would test students about their basic financial knowledge on topics such as money, budgeting, investment, banking, savings, insurance, retirement planning and financial planning. Targeted towards school students of Classes VIII to X, this is the first of it’s kind test in India aimed at encouraging students to obtain basic financial skills and also giving a measure of Financial Literacy of students at the national-level.
NCFE NFLAT 2014 Important Dates:
Registration Opens : November 1st, 2013
Registration Closes : November 29th, 2013
Test Date : January 11th and 12th, 2014
Result Declaration : January 23rd, 2014
* Schools awards:
Highest participation: Top-25 schools based on highest participation (from which the maximum number of students appeared for the test) will receive cash reward of Rs.25,000/- each and a trophy/shield. Highest Success (Highest Level of Financial Literacy among its students): Schools having the highest proportion of students in top-50 percentile will receive awards in this category. Top-5 schools in this category will receive a cash reward of Rs.25,000/- each and a trophy/shield. (For a school to be eligible for the award in this category, at least 50 of its students must have appeared for the test). Head/Principal of the award-winning schools will be felicitated at the Grand Ceremony.
Student Awards:
Certificate Type
All India Toppers
National Top-5 (1-2-3-4-5) - Total 5
national awards
Certificate of Accomplishment
Medal, Laptop, Felicitation at an
event conducted for this.
North, South, East, West &
(5 regions)
Regional Top-3 (1-2-3) – Total 15
regional awards
(National winners excluded)
Certificate of Accomplishment
Medal, Tablet Computer, Felicitation
at an event conducted for this.
All India Top-100 after excluding the
above 20 national and regional medal winners
All India Top-100 after excluding the
above 20 national and regional medal winners
Special Recognition Certificate
Cash reward of Rs.2,000/- per
Participants in the top 50
These are in the top-half of the
total test-takers based on their performance in the test
This number varies based on the
number of test-takers. For eg.: If 100,000 take the test, then 50,000 will be
placed in this category.
Merit Certificate
All the remaining participants
Certificate of Participation
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NCFE NFLAT-2014 Result
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