GBSHSE Class X XII Exam Result 2014, Goa Board SSC result, HSSC Result 2014, GBSHSE EXAM SSC TIME TABLE 2014, GBSHSE Class X Result 2014, Goa 10th class result, Goa 12th board exam Result, Goa 10th and HSSC Result.
The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Panaji, released Class X exam will begin on March 4 and end on March 15, 2014, the Class XII test will start on March 1, 2014 and end on the 17th of the same month. All Class X and XII exams will begin at 10am. Class X students will get a day's break after every paper and Class XII students will get three days off during the entire exam. GBSHSE its Class X and XII public examinations parallel to one another for the first time and at the same examination centres, though on alternate days. Goa board officials will begin training from January 6, 2014, for institute heads to provide them with pointers on smooth conduct of the two exams during the same period.
Goa 10th and HSSC Both examinations will be held in around 20 high schools that will double up as examination centres. The academic calendar of schools has been restructured so that the conduct of board exams takes up fewer days to raise the number of instructional days in schools used as exam centres.
The Goa 10th, 12th board will meet institution heads from January to convey the process chalked out for the smooth conduct of exams in the first year where the revised calendar is being implemented. The Class X and XII students will answer the exams at a common centre. Goa Board Detailed Time Table available at
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