Central Coalfields Electrician (Non Excv.)/ Technician

Get Electrician (Non Excv.)/ Technician jobs recruitment notification Central Coalfields Limited,

No of Post: 319

Educational Requirements: 
i) Matriculation with ITI in Electrician Trade. 
ii) Must have completed Apprenticeship Training under Apprenticeship Act - 1961. 
iii) LT Permit under IE rules for mines or 440-550 Volts mining parts permit issued by competent authority applicable for Coal Mines and HT permit for cable joining and overhead lines issued by the competent authority applicable to mines.

How To Apply: Candidates fulfilling the above criteria can apply through any one of the modes i.e. Online or Offline. However, applicants working in Government, Semi-Government, Public Sector Undertaking or working in any of the subsidiary company of Coal India Limited should apply through offline mode only and their application should be sent through proper channel. Candidates are requested to read the complete instruction hereunder before applying. Eligible candidates need to apply through CCL website www.ccl.gov.in. Online Application is open from 01.11.2013 to 07.12.2013. Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID. The email ID should be kept active until the entire recruitment process gets completed. No change in email ID will
be allowed once entered.

General Instruction: 
1. Timely receipt of application shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant. Late receipt due to postal delay or delivery of torn / damaged application shall not be entertained.

2. Female candidates can apply only for post no.03 i.e Overseer (Civil). For rest of the posts, female candidates are not eligible to apply.

3. Physically handicapped candidates are not eligible to apply.

4. Applicants working in Government, Semi-Government or Public Sector Undertaking or working in any of the subsidiary company of Coal India Limited should apply through proper channel and have to produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of Interview, failing which they will be barred from appearing in the Interview.

Pay Scale: Rs.689.65 per day

Last Date: 07.12.2013
Get details will be available at: CLICK HERE 

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Central Coalfields Electrician (Non Excv.)/ Technician
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