UPSEE 2013 counselling Dates Schedule : This year approx 1.5 lac UPSEE 2013 qualified students will participate in the choice locking process through UPSEE counselling.This year all the passed Students may lock their choices from home from 26 June to 5 July 2013.
The Counselling for OBC / SC/ ST Students will be executed in the 4th week of July. The 2nd round counselling will be start from 1st week of August 2013.
UPTU 2013 Counselling Docoments Checklist : The online counselling will be conducted at various centres across the state. The Students have to come with the original certificates of the following along with one attested copy of each:
1. Certificate of qualifying exam
2. Mark sheet
3. Rural weightage certificate
4. Domicile and category reservation certificates
The Students will have to deposit a bank demand draft (DD) of Rs. 5,000 as the initial fee during the counselling.
UPSEE Seat Allotment 2013 : After the counselling process and document verification process Successfully, UPTU will execute the UPSEE Seat Allotment 2013. The Students always need the seat allotment details and the UPSEE Seat Allotment will definitely help the students to check their seat allotment according to the UPTU guidelines.
All the Students are informed that the institutes affiliated to UPTU (GBTU), Lucknow and MTU Noida will give the admission only through UPSEE 2013.
Click Here to View Counselling details by UPSEE 2013.
UPSEE 2013, UPTU counselling 2013
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