There is 763 vacancies for the Assistant Executive Engineer post and lac of aspirants applied for IES Exam 2013 and for appearing in Examination, they would have the requirement of IES Admit card , So candidates can download the IES Hall ticket from 10th June, 2013 to 30th June, 2013.
UPSC IES Admit card can be downloaded from : CLICK HERE
For Downloading Engineering services Examination Admit card , aspirants have to provides some prominent information such as Registration ID, Roll number,Name and Date of Birth and Father's name.
Candidates can select the option i.e Registration ID or Roll Number to download the E-Admit card of IES 2013.
Click here to download the UPSC IES Admit card 2013.
UPSC IES Result 2013, Admit card 2013 / IES Hall Ticket 2013
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