Download VITEEE Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2013

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination, Admit Card, Download VITEEE 2013 Admit card, Download VITEEE Hall ticket 2013, Online VITEE Admit card 2013, VIT university, Vellore Institute of Technology has published Admit Card for Entrance Examination which going to take place from 15th April 2013 to 30th April 2013. Lots of candidates applied for this exam. Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE) conducts for those students who are interested to do courses like, Bio.Info, Civil, Bio.Tech, Biomed, ECE, CSE, EEE, IT, EIE, Mech, Mech (Energy), (Chem), (Auto) and many more from VIT University. Both written exam & computer based exam will take place from 15.04.2013.

VITEEE Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2013

Online Admit Card for VITEEE Entrance Exam 2013 are available for download at main official site. Intrested candidates who wants to download their online Admit Card first follow the below instruction and then take out print of your online Admit Card in A4 sheet. At time of downloading you need your Application Number and Online Test Booking password, while filling application form please provide valid email address for future process. Download directly your Admit Card by clicking on given below link.

Admit Card Status

1. The e-Admit card will be generated once the candidate has booked his/her schedule through the Online Test Booking System
2. The e-Admit card will be auto generated for only those candidates who book a slot using the Online Test Booking system before the last date.
3. The e-Admit card will indicate the e-Admit card number, photograph of the student, address of the test center, test date & time selected by the candidate. Discrepancies, if any, must be brought to the notice of VIT University immediately
4. The e-Admit card will be made available for candidates on Candidate should provide the application form number and Online Test Booking password to download the e-admit card
5. Candidates must provide valid email ID in the application form. The e-Admit card will not be dispatched to candidates via post or fax.
6. Candidate should ensure that a printer is connected to their computer while printing the e-Admit card.
7. Candidate should take a print out of the e-Admit card using the print option on A4 size paper only. Please ensure that all information on the e-Admit card including photograph is clearly visible on the print out.
8. The candidate will not be permitted to appear for the test without valid e-Admit card.
9. The candidates must not mutilate the e-Admit card or change any entry made therein after it has been authenticated & received by them. Impersonation is a legally punishable offence.
10. The e-Admit card is an important document and it must be preserved and produced at the time of counselling/admission.
11. Candidate should report to the selected test center with
e-Admit card
Photocopy of the application form and

Any one of the following for photo identification
Driving License
Voter ID card
IT Pan card
School or college Photo ID card
Twelfth Standard board exam hall ticket (or) admit card bearing photo.

About VITEEE Exam

VITEEE Exam conducts in 3 Parts, Part I is of Physics, Part II is of Chemistry, Part III is of Mathematics / Biology. In Entrance Exam objective type question will come so answer every question very carefully. Candidates who are going to give Computer Based Exam they can change their Answers.

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Download VITEEE Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2013
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