Konkan Railway Corporation Medical Officer post Recruitment Notification 2013

Notification No.CO/P-R/07C/2012
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) invites applications for the following post on Contract basis at fixed remuneration rate (all inclusive).
Post Details: Medical Officer (on contract basis)

The period of the contract will be initially for a period of one year, extendable on satisfactory performance and mutual consent and as per requirement.

Date, time and place of walk-in interview:
10/01/2013, 09:30 hrs at
Station Superintendent Office
Ratnagiri Railway Station
Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.
Registration Time:- 09.30 hrs to 13:30hrs on the date of walk-in interview.

After preliminary screening of the applications submitted by the candidates in person, the eligible candidate(s) will only be interviewed. Candidates should come prepared to stay for minimum 2 days, if required, at their own cost. No train/bus fare/ TA/DA shall be payable by the Corporation. Applications should be complete and strictly as per the prescribed format. Applications not conforming to the prescribed format or having illegible/ambiguous certificates or without certificates or incomplete will be summarily rejected.
Age:-The candidates should be maximum 35 years as on 01/01/2013 with age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates. Relaxation in age and experience can be considered for deserving candidates. In this respect, the decision of KRCL will be final. Candidate fulfilling the above criteria may report for walk-in interview along with one copy of application, prepared in the prescribed format as given below and also in the KRCL website www.konkanrailway.com

Selection process:-
1. The candidates shall arrive at the time and venue and get registered with the nominated  KRCL official for the walk-in interview as indicated.
2. The candidate will be interviewed by a nominated Committee and the selection will be finalized on merit based on the performance in the interview, qualification and post
qualification experience gained by the Candidate.
3. The decision of the Nominated Committee will be final and binding.

Travel on duty and expenses:-
a) Duty pass for 2-tier AC class will be issued while travelling on duty in the interest of organisation.

b) Expenses and cost:- The fixed rate of 100% expenses and costs as per classification of city as per the prevailing rates per day outside during the course of contract period and
will be payable as detailed below:-
For 12 hours and above:- 100%
For 6 hours and above:- 70%
Less than 6 hours:- 30%

c) Rest House:- Rest House of KRCL, if available, will be provided while on duty.
Leave:- Leave maximum upto 02 days in a month may be granted by Corporation. Weekly off and other public holidays, as applicable to the regional offices. Normal working hours

will be the same as per the Regional office at Ratnagiri and any changes will be as decided by the highest medical authority of KRCL for the posting at Chiplun. The Contract Appointee shall be governed by Indian Laws and shall be subject to the judicial courts in Maharashtra state.


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Konkan Railway Corporation Medical Officer post Recruitment Notification 2013
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