Ed.CET–2012 Final Phase Counseling for Muslim, Christian and Non–Minority Candidates

Ed.CET–2012 Final Phase Counseling for Muslim, Christian and Non–Minority Candidates, Ed.CET 2012, Ed.CET 2012 Final Phase, Counseling, Muslim, Christian, Non-Minority, General Notification, ECET 2012, EDCET Notification 2012, PGCET 2012, EAMCET 2012, ICET 2012, EAMCET AC 2012, BIPC STREAM-II, BIPC short Notification, ICET Phase I Notification, The Andhra Pradesh Unaided Private Engineering & Pharmacy Colleges Association, in their Endeavour to offer an effective, fair and Determine merit of students seeking admission to the member institutions, have formed “Consortium of Andhra Pradesh Minortiy Educational and Institutions” (CAPMEI). The Government of Andhra Pradesh has been Conducted a Engineering And Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET),E-CET ,ICET,PGECET,Ed.CET,for the academic year 2012-2013.
The list of the Member Institutions who have indicated their participation in the CAPMEI testing program, along with the courses offered by them, is published our website.
Note: CAPMEI’s website contains information and current updates/alerts. This site is updated regularly. CAPMEI suggests all applicants to visit it frequently for relevant information.


  • To Provide a forum Minority Professional colleges i.e Engineering, MBA, MCA, Pharmacy, B.Ed Etc.
  • Aimed at better achieving the goals of establishment of those Institutions and also for furthering cause of Minority Education in the state
  • To liaise with Government Agencies in order to secure the interests of the Minority educational Institutions
  • To provide for an organization Interaction between and Government agencies and the institution as regards the regulatory frame work of the institutions.
  • To seek recognition and further authorizations from the statutory bodies to conduct entrance tests and counseling for students belonging to Minority community .
  • To seek recognition from all the Government authorities for such purposes as are permission under Government rules to achieve such goals as are consistent with the objects of the association.

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Ed.CET–2012 Final Phase Counseling for Muslim, Christian and Non–Minority Candidates
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