TNTET-2012 Re Exam Supplementary Exam Postponed

TNTET-2012 Re Exam Postponed to 14th October 2012
TNTET-2012 Re Exam
Postponed to
14th October 2012

TNTET-2012 Re Exam Supplementary Exam Postponed, TNTET-2012 Re Exam Postponed to 14th October 2012, TNTET-2012 Supplementary Exam Postponed to 14th October 2012, TNTET Supplementary Exam 2012 Postponed to 14th October 2012

Tamilnadu High court of Madras, the Govt. of Tamilnadu have thought about the request of petitioners and other candidates who did not apply for the TET examination conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board on 12th July 2012 and now need to apply and avail of the chance of the supplementary TET now being conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board.

In pursuance of the decision of the Government, the Teachers Recruitment Board has decided to demand applications from the fresh candidates beginning from 10.00 am, Monday, 24th of September 2012 up to 05.30 pm, Friday, 28th of September 2012 working days). Sale of application is obtainable in the all 32 Chief Educational Officers Office located at the District Headquarters. Further, the Teachers Recruitment Board has also decided to postpone conduct of the supplementary TET examination from 3rd October 2012 to 14th October 2012 without any change in timings and examination centers for candidates who have already been issued with the hall tickets on Teachers Recruitment Board Website.

In this regard the following instructions are issued to the candidates.All those candidates who have already applied, ought to strictly avoid applying again. Any mistake in this regard, may generate confusion on their knowledge base already obtainable with Teachers Recruitment Board, it might harm their candidature and may lead to cancellation of their candidature also.Sale of applications is obtainable in the Offices of the Chief Schooling Officers at the District Headquarters. Candidates will be issued with application at a time. After paying the fees through the Bank chalan attached with the application in the prescribed banks, candidates are advised to take a Xerox copy of their application and chalan and get stamped acknowledgement with date and signature from the CEO office on their Xerox copy and retain it for record. There is no change in the application format procedure of payment of fees, amount of fees or any thing else related to the application. Candidates are further advised not to directly send their application to Teachers Recruitment Board.

They ought to submit their applications only in the Office of the CEO without fail.Candidates are advised to carefully and correctly fill in their name, paper options, language options, date of birth and examination middle. No change shall be allowed after submission of the applications.The existing candidates who need to change their Paper options, are advised to apply to Teachers Recruitment Board directly with a replica of their application form and Hall ticket on or before five.30 pm of 28th of September 2012 without fail. Their request may be thought about depending on the availability of time and logistics.All hall tickets for the new candidates and candidates who are applying for the change in the choices shall be issued only through the Teachers Recruitment Board website. It is made clear that no Hall tickets shall be sent through post due to paucity of time. Candidates are advised to often browse the net site.All candidates are advised to conduct themselves in quiet and orderly manner in the coursework of the acquisition and submission of applications.

In pursuance to the affidavit submitted in the Hon’ble High court of Madras, the Govt. of Tamilnadu have considered the request of petitioners and other candidates who did not apply for the TET examination conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board on 12th July 2012 and now wish to apply and avail of the opportunity of the supplementary TET now being conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board.
In pursuance of the decision of the Government, the Teachers Recruitment Board has decided to call for applications from the fresh candidates beginning from 10.00 am, Monday, 24th of September 2012 up to 5.30 pm, Friday, 28th of September 2012 (five working days). Sale of application is available in the all 32 Chief Educational Officers Office located at the District Headquarters. Further, the Teachers Recruitment Board has also decided to postpone conduct of the supplementary TET examination from 3rd October 2012 to 14th October 2012 without any change in timings and examination centers for candidates who have already been issued with the hall tickets on Teachers Recruitment Board Website. In this regard the following instructions are issued to the candidates.
  1. All those candidates who have already applied, should strictly avoid applying again. Any mistake in this regard, may create confusion on their data base already available with Teachers Recruitment Board, it might harm their candidature and may result in cancellation of their candidature also.
  2. Sale of applications is available in the Offices of the Chief Education Officers at the District Headquarters. Candidates will be issued with only one application at a time. After paying the fees through the Bank chalan attached with the application in the prescribed banks, candidates are advised to take a Xerox copy of their application plus chalan and get stamped acknowledgement with date and signature from the CEO office on their Xerox copy and retain it for record. There is no change in the application format procedure of payment of fees, amount of fees or any thing else related to the application. Candidates are further advised not to directly send their application to Teachers Recruitment Board. They should submit their applications only in the Office of the CEO without fail.
  3. Candidates are advised to carefully and correctly fill in their name, paper options, language options, date of birth and examination center. No change shall be permitted after submission of the applications.
  4. The existing candidates who wish to change their Paper options, are advised to apply to Teachers Recruitment Board directly with a copy of their application form and Hall ticket on or before 5.30 pm of 28th of September 2012 without fail. Their request may be considered depending upon the availability of time and logistics.
  5. All hall tickets for the new candidates and candidates who are applying for the change in the options shall be issued only through the Teachers Recruitment Board website. It is made clear that no Hall tickets shall be sent through post due to paucity of time. Candidates are advised to frequently browse the website.
  6. All candidates are advised to conduct themselves in peaceful and orderly manner during the purchase and submission of applications.

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